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Mindfulness In Schools

Mindfulness Trainings for Teachers,

Staff, Students,

and the entire community

Heart Mind Trainings For Teachers

Mindfulness is an effective tool for teachers to cultivate resiliency and compassion. With Heart Mind Trainings, teachers use mindfulness and compassion to adapt to the daily challenges of teaching with more ease.  Heart Mind Trainings emphasize radical inclusivity, which focuses on integrating all of ones' self and the diversity of the community. Please contact to schedule a series of Heartmind Trainings for TeachersYou may wish to combine this training with the training for students.

School Supply
Sharing Student

Mindfulness for Students

Scientific research has shown that students who practice mindfulness are more successful academically in school, as well as more compassionate and kind. Heart Mind Trainings emphasize radical inclusivity, which focuses on integrating all of ones' self and celebrating the diversity of your community.  Please contact to schedule a series of Heart Mind Trainings for Students.  You may wish to combine this training with the training for teachers

Engage Your Heart Mind

These home grown trainings are tailored to meet the needs of your diverse community.  They typically include large group sections coupled with more intensive training for smaller groups. Power Up Your Heart Mind  is a powerful ways for your site to bring dedicated people together to ensure effective long-lasting change.  Heart Mind Trainings emphasize radical inclusivity, which focuses on celebrating all of the diverse aspects of your community.

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